Easily export your data and run reports
In addition to the Dashboard features, Fuel Me allows you to access and export your data, giving you the freedom to build custom reports. You can also run comprehensive reports on all of your fuel purchases, giving you more insight and accountability when it comes to your fuel spending.
Exporting Data
Fuel Me allows you to export in bulk the following record types:
- Orders
- Sites
- Assets
- Invoices
To run an export, navigate to the record's List View from the main side bar menu.
Tick the box in the top left corner in the headers of the List View to select ALL of the records on the page.
Then click on 'Export as XLS' to export your data to an Excel file or 'Export as CSV' to export it as a .CSV file.
If you want to export your Orders, make sure it is toggled to the List View, otherwise the export option will not be available.
If you want to expand the number of records per page, adjust the 'View Entries Per Page' setting at the bottom of the List View.
Run an Invoice Report
You can easily export all of your past invoices straight from your Fuel Me account:
- Go to 'Billing' in the main side bar menu, then click on the 'Statements' tab.
- Next, select the Site for which you want to pull your statements or select 'All Sites' to run a holistic report for all of your Sites.
- Pick a date range for the report.
- Choose which Statement Type you want for your report: Asset, Date or combined Asset & Date.
After you run your report, you have the option to export it as a PDF or an XLS file by clicking on the buttons in the top right corner: