Navigating & Updating an Asset Record

View and update all of your Asset details in one spot

Each Asset record in your Fuel Me accounts acts as a database of your fuel orders and allows you to easily report on its fuel usage and costs. 

Navigating an Asset Record

Updating an Asset Record

Navigating an Asset Record

There are two tabs within an Asset record: 

  • Asset Details
  • Order Details

Fleet Vehicles and Equipment records will also have a Tank Log tab that will populate with any onsite fueling events if you use Fuel Me's Dispense Fuel feature

The Details tab will display and allow you to view the:

  • Asset Image
  • Asset Name, Type, Site and License Plate / ID#
  • Fuel Capacity and Average Gallons per Refill
  • Product Group
  • Additional Asset Settings

The Order History tab will display all of the future and past orders for the Asset. You can filter the Orders by the Delivery Date and search by the PO Number of the Order. 

The Show/Hide Columns dropdown allows you to customize the view based on the information you want to display. 

The four widgets at the top of the page aggregate all of the Orders to allow you to quickly see:

  • Total Amount of Gallons of Fuel Delivered / Ordered
  • Total Spend (All Time)
  • Total Taxes (All Time)
  • Total Spend with Taxes (All Time)

The Tank Log tab will populate with Onsite Fueling events and can help you to determine an Asset's onsite fuel usage over time and hold your team accountable when fueling onsite. 

The Tank Log tab displays:

  • The tank from which the Asset drew fuel
  • The User who dispensed the fuel
  • The date the fuel up occurred
  • The quantity of fuel dispensed from the bulk tank

Updating an Asset Record

If at any time you need to update the details of an existing Asset record, simply click on the 'edit' icon next to the name of the Asset in the Asset list view. This will bring you to the Asset Details view where you can update any of the fields within the Asset. 

Only Account OwnersCompany AdminSite Admin and Users with the ability to update Assets can make changes to the details on this page.

Do not update the 'Primary OPIS Product Group' or 'Primary Product' fields without first contacting your Customer Success Manager as this may impact the availability of the product with your preferred vendor and could disrupt your fuel deliveries.