The purpose of obtaining a W-9 form from you is to collect your taxpayer identification information for tax-related purposes.
The W-9 form is an official document used in the United States by businesses to request the taxpayer identification number (TIN) and legal name of individuals or entities. It is primarily used for reporting payments made to vendors or independent contractors to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
Uploading a W9
- Uploading a W9 form to your Fuel Me portal can be done in just a few clicks. Simply drag a file from your desktop or click the upload icon and choose a file from your computer.
- You will be given the option to enter a custom Document Name if you wish.
- Once your W9 has been uploaded, it will need to be verified by a member of the Fuel Me team. We will receive a notification once you have uploaded a W9 document into this subtab and will review the document within 24 hours.
- When a W9 document has been reviewed, you will receive an email notification with the result of the review process.
- The status of the uploaded W9 will either show Not Verified or Verified.
- When a W9 document has been reviewed, you will receive an email notification with the result of the review process.