
Gain a complete overview of your company locations with the Sites widget. This interactive map lets you filter and view active, inactive, and all sites in real-time on a dynamic map.

The sites widget provides a comprehensive view of all your company’s sites, enhancing site management and operational oversight. This widget helps you monitor site activity, identify site-specific performance, and make informed decisions about site management.


Site Overview:

  • The widget displays all your company sites on a pin map, offering a visual representation of site locations. This helps you quickly identify and locate your sites.

Site Status:

  • Users can toggle between viewing all sites, active sites, and inactive sites. This allows you to focus on specific site statuses, facilitating targeted management and oversight.

Filter Options:

  • You have the option to filter sites based on various parameters, such as site activity, region, or other relevant criteria. This customization enables you to narrow down the data to the most pertinent information.

Interactive Map:

  • The pin map is interactive, allowing users to click on individual sites to view detailed information about each site. This feature provides easy access to site-specific data and insights.

Real-time Updates:

  • The sites widget updates in real-time, ensuring you always have the latest information about your sites. This feature helps you stay informed about any changes or updates to site status and activity.

Stay on top of your site management with the Sites widget, which provides a real-time, interactive pin map of all your company locations. Easily filter and view active, inactive, and all sites to gain valuable insights and make informed decisions. The widget's real-time updates ensure you always have the most current site information at your fingertips.