Gallon Details

Get a clear view of your fuel deliveries with the Gallons Delivered widget. This tool shows the total gallons delivered within your selected time period, with real-time updates and customizable filters to help you monitor fuel usage efficiently.

The Gallons Delivered widget provides a comprehensive view of the total amount of fuel delivered within a specified time period. This widget helps you monitor fuel delivery trends, manage inventory, and plan future orders effectively.


Time Period Selection:

  • You can specify the time period for which you want to calculate the total gallons. Choose from predefined ranges like the last 7 days or the current month, or customize the time period according to your specific requirements. The time period filter can be adjusted at the top of the dashboard.

Accumulated Gallons:

  • The widget displays the cumulative total of gallons ordered within the selected time period. This numerical value represents the sum of all fuel quantities ordered, providing a clear picture of your fuel consumption.

Filter Options:

  • You can apply filters to refine the total gallons calculation. For example, filter by fuel type (e.g., gasoline, diesel), site, users, or other relevant parameters to get a more detailed view of your fuel usage.

Real-time Updates:

  • The Gallons Delivered widget updates in real-time as new orders are placed or existing orders are modified within the selected time period. This ensures you always have the most current information.

The Gallons Delivered widget is an essential tool for tracking and managing your fuel deliveries. By offering time period selection, filter options, and real-time updates, it provides a detailed and accurate overview of your fuel consumption. This helps you make informed decisions, optimize fuel orders, and maintain efficient inventory management.